
People Search Directory

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Stephanie McNulty

The Honorable & Mrs. John C. Kunkel Professor of Government

Latin American Studies

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Jessica McPherson

Community Fellow, Reckoning with Lancaster Project

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Ben R McRee

Professor of History

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Christina H McSherry

Adjunct Assistant Professor Anthropology

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Kaye Mede

ASFC Front Desk Monitor

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Laura A Medvic

College Registrar

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Stephen K Medvic

The Honorable and Mrs. John C. Kunkel Professor of Government

Public Policy

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Kristin Mejias

Office Operations and Program Coordinator

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Mike C Melusky

Adjunct Instructor of Computer Science

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Jorge Mena-Ali

Assistant Dean of Faculty Diversity Initiatives and House Don for Roschel College; Visiting Assistant Professor of Biology


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Anabel Menifee

Program Director

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Sue Mennicke

Associate Dean of International Initiatives

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Lindsey M Mercado

Conferences & Events Services Specialist

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David A Merli

Associate Professor of Philosophy

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Dorothy J Merritts

Harry W. & Mary B. Huffnagle Professor of Geosciences, Weis College House Don

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Karen R Mertzman

Laboratory Technician

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Lisa A Mertzman

Stockroom Manager

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Jen Meyer

Associate Professor of Government & Public Health, Program Chair of Public Health

Public Health; Public Policy

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Gretchen E Meyers

Assistant Dean for Strategic Initiatives & Professor of Classics

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Lois Miklas

Museum Coordinator

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Andy Miller

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biology

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Caroline Miller

Digital Copywriter

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Jon Miller

Systems Administrator

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Jonathan R Miller

Senior Network Analyst

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Kelly A Miller

Senior Instructional Designer

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Kirk Miller

B. F. Fackenthal, Jr. Professor of Biology

Public Health

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Phillip Miller

Associate Director of Athletics Operations & Facilities

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Tracy L Miller

Warehouse/Delivery Specialist

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Maria D Mitchell

Professor of History

Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies

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