
Stephen K Medvic The Honorable and Mrs. John C. Kunkel Professor of Government

email: stephen.medvic@fandm.edu


Dr. Medvic joined the faculty at Franklin & Marshall in 2002.  Prior to coming to F&M, he taught at Old Dominion University from 1997 to 2002 and was a Research Fellow at ODU's Social Science Research Center from 2001-2002.

He has provided political analysis for numerous media outlets including NBC Nightly News, CNN, The Washington Post, The Washington Times, Philadelphia Inquirer, Richmond Times-Dispatch, Salon.com, Fox News On-line, and The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer on PBS.


Dr. Medvic earned bachelors degrees in political science and philosophy from Texas A&M University and a masters and Ph.D. in political science from Purdue University (Ph.D. 1997).


Dr. Medvic's research interests include campaigns and elections, political parties, the media and politics, public opinion, and ideology.



Under contract.  (Co-editor with Matthew M. Schousen and Berwood A. Yost.)  Campaigning in Pennsylvania:  The Nationalization of Campaigns and Elections in a Battleground State.  Philadelphia, PA:  Temple University Press.

- 2022.  Campaigns and Elections:  Players and Processes, 4th edition.  New York:  Routledge. (3rd ed., 2018; 2nd ed., 2014; first edition published by Wadsworth/Cengage, 2010).

- 2021.  Gerrymandering:  The Politics of Redistricting in the United States.  Cambridge, UK:  Polity Press.

- 2013.  In Defense of Politicians:  The Expectations Trap and Its Threat to Democracy.  New York:  Routledge.

- 2011. (Editor.)  New Directions in Campaigns and Elections.  New York:  Routledge.

- 2005. (Associate Editor, with Colton Campbell and Marni Ezra.) Guide to Political Campaigns in America, ed. Paul Herrnson. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press.

- 2002. (Edited with Candice J. Nelson and David A. Dulio). Shades of Gray: Perspectives on Campaign Ethics. Washington, DC, Brookings Institution.

- 2001. Political Consultants in the U.S. Congressional Elections, Columbus, OH: Ohio State University Press. (Part of the "Parliaments and Legislatures" edited series.)

Articles and Other Publications

- 2020. [with Berwood A. Yost]  鈥淎n Endangered Republican Incumbent Survives in the Suburbs:  Fitzpatrick vs. Wallace in Pennsylvania鈥檚 1st Congressional District.鈥 In Cases in Congressional Campaigns: Split Decision. Eds. Randall E. Adkins and David A. Dulio.  New York:  Routledge.

- 2019.  鈥淓xplaining Support for Stealth Democracy.鈥 Representation 55 (1):  1-19.

- 2018. 鈥淭hird-Party Politics in the United States.鈥 In Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science. Ed. Sandy Maisel. New York: Oxford University Press.

- 2018.  鈥淥utside Voices:  Super PACs, Parties and Other Non-Candidate Actors,鈥 in Campaigning for President 2016:  Strategy and Tactics.  Dennis W. Johnson and Lara M. Brown (eds.).  New York:  Routledge.

- 2016.  Book review of Purging the Republican Party:  Tea Party Campaigns and Elections (Ronald T. Libby).  Party Politics.

- 2016.  "Election Outcomes," in American Governance, Volume 2, ed. Stephen L. Schechter.  Farmington Hills, MI:  Macmillan Reference (pp.63-66).

- 2014.  "A New Democratic Party?  Bill Clinton as Public Philosopher and Party Leader," in A True Third Way?  Domestic Policy and the Presidency of William Jefferson Clinton, ed. Richard Himelfarb.  Hauppauge, NY:  Nova Science Publishers.

- 2014.  鈥淥utside Voices:  Super PACs, Parties and Other Non-Candidate Actors,鈥 in Campaigning for President 2012:  Strategy and Tactics.  Dennis W. Johnson (ed.).  New York: Routledge.

- 2013.  鈥淩eview Essay: On Partisanship,鈥 Politics, Groups, and Identities, 1 (3): 468-74.

- 2011.  Book review of The Elections of 2008 (Michael Nelson, ed.). Party Politics 17 (5): 701-3.

- 2011.  "Campaign Management and Organization:  The Use and Impact of Information and Communication Technology," in New Directions in Campaigns and Elections, Stephen K. Medvic (ed.).  New York:  Routledge.

- 2010.  [with Dan Shea]  "All Politics is Local... Except When It Isn't:  English vs. Dahlkemper in Pennsylvania's Third Congressional District," in Cases in Congressional Campaigns:  Incumbents Playing Defense, David A. Dulio and Randall Adkins (eds.).  New York:  Routledge.

- 2009.  [with Dan Shea]  "All Politics is Local... Except When It Isn't:  The Campaign for the 3rd Congressional District in Pennsylvania," American Review of Politics 30:  173-187.

- 2009.  "Outside Voices:  527s, Political Parties and other Non-Candidate Groups," in 2008 Presidential Election:  Strategy, Tactics, New Voices, New Techniques, Dennis W. Johnson (ed.).  New York: Routledge.

- 2009. "Political Management and the Technological Revolution," in The Routledge Handbook of Political Management, Dennis W. Johnson (ed.). New York: Routledge.

- 2008. [with David A. Dulio] "The Media and Public Opinion," in Media Power/Media Politics, 2nd ed., Mark Rozell and Jeremy D. Mayer (eds.).  Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

- 2008. [with Robin Kolodny]  "Pennsylvania's Sixth Congressional District."  In The Battle for Congress:  Iraq, Scandal, and Campaign Finance in the 2006 Election, eds. David B. Magleby and Kelly D. Patterson.  Boulder, CO:   Paradigm Publishers.

- 2008.  [with Robin Kolodny, Kyle Kreider and Daniel Shea]  "The 2006 Pennsylvania Senate Race."  In The Battle for Congress:  Iraq, Scandal, and Campaign Finance in the 2006 Election, eds. David B. Magleby and Kelly D. Patterson.  Boulder, CO  Paradigm Publishers.

- 2007. "Old Democrats in New Clothing? An Ideological Analysis of a Democratic Party Faction," Party Politics 13 (5):  587-609.

- 2007.  Understanding the 2006 Elections,  Textbook supplement for Houghton-Mifflin.

- 2006. "Understanding Campaign Strategy: 'Deliberate Priming' and the Role of Professional Political Consultants," Journal of Political Marketing 5 (1/2):  11-32.

- 2005.  "Campaign Organization and Political Consultants." In Guide to Political Campaigns in America, ed. Paul Herrnson. Washington, DC: Congressional Quarterly Press.2005.  "The Existence of a Viable Third Party Will Improve the U.S. Political System: Pro." In Debating the Issues: American Government & Politics, ed. Robert P. Watson. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt Publishing.

- 2005. Understanding the 2004 Elections. Textbook supplement for Houghton-Mifflin.

- 2004. "Developing 'Paid Media' Strategies: Media Consultants and Political Advertising." in Lights, Camera, Campaign! Media, Politics, and Political Advertising, ed. David Schultz. New York: Peter Lang, Publishing.

- 2004. (and David A. Dulio). "The Permanent Campaign in the White House: Evidence from the Clinton Administration," White House Studies 4 (3): 301-17.

- 2004. "Developing 'Paid Media' Strategies: Media Consultants and Political Advertising." in Lights, Camera, Campaign! Media, Politics, and Political Advertising, ed. David Schultz. New York: Peter Lang, Publishing.

- 2004. (and Matthew Schousen). "When Incumbents Clash, Fundamentals Matter: Pennsylvania Seventeen." In The Last Hurrah? Soft Money and Issue Advocacy in the 2002 Congressional Elections, eds. David B Magleby and Quin Monson. Washington DC: Brookings Institution Press.

- 2004. Book review of Voting with Dollars: A New Paradigm for Campaign Finance (by Bruce Ackerman and Ian Ayres). Law & Politics Book Review, 14 (9): 704-7.

- 2004. Book review of Florida 2000: A Sourcebook on the Contested Presidential Election (by Mark Whitman). Political Science Quarterly.

- 2003. (and Matthew Schousen). "The 2002 Pennsylvania Seventeenth Congressional District Race" PS: Political Science and Politics.

- 2003. (with David A. Dulio). " The Media and Public Opinion," in Media Power/ Media Politics, Mark Rozell (ed.). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.

- 2003. "Campaign Pollsters and Poling: Manipulating the Voter or Taking the Electorate's Pulse," in Campaigns and Elections: Issues, Concepts, and Cases, Robert P. Watson and Colton Campbell (eds.). Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

- 2003. "Professional Political Consultants: An Operational Definition," Politics 23 (2): 119-127.

- 2003. (with Matt Schousen and Michael Degrande). "Back to Basics in Pennsylvania Seventeen: How Candidate Quality, Message, and Organization Overcame Outside Money." Campaigns & Elections, July.

- 2003. Understanding the 2002 Midterm Elections. Textbook supplement for Houghton-Mifflin.

- 2002. (with Candice J. Nelson and David A. Dulio). "Political Consultants: Campaign Advocacy and the Common Good," in Shades of Gray: Perspectives on Campaign Ethics, Candice J. Nelson, David A. Dulio, and Stephen K. Medvic, eds., Washington, DC: Brookings Institution.

- 2002. (with Dale Miller). "Campaign Ethics: A Framework," in Shades of Gray: Perspectives on Campaign Ethics, Candice J. Nelson, David A. Dulio, and Stephen K. Medvic, eds. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution.

- 2002. Book review of The Electorate, the Campaign, and the Office: A Unified Approach to Senate and House Elections (by Paul Gronke). The Journal of Politics 64: 291-3.

- 2002. "Behind the Numbers: Polling as a Public Service." Old Dominion University's Quest, 5 (1): 22-23.

- 2002. (with Bob Dudley, Harry Wilson, Robert Holsworth, and Scott Keeter) "The 2000 Virginia Senate Race." In The Other Campaign: Soft Money and Issue Advocacy in the 2000 Congressional Elections, David B. Magleby (ed.), Boulder, CO: Rowman & Littlefield.

- 2001. (with David Farrell and Robin Koldny). "Political Parties and Campaign Professionals in a Digital Age: Political Consultants in the U.S and Their Counterparts Overseas." The Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics 6 (4).

- 2001. (with Bob Dudley, Harry Wilson, Robert Holsworth, and Scott Keeter). "The 2000 Virginia Senate Race." PS: Political Science and Politics 34 (2). www.apsanet.org/PS.

- 2001. "Campaign, electoral;" "Ideology;" and "Proportional Representation." Entries in the Reader's Guide to the Social Sciences, Jonathan Michie (ed.). Oxford: Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers.

- 2001. "The Impact of Party Financial Support on the Electoral Success of U.S. House Candidates." Party Politics 7 (2): 191-212.

- 2000. "Professionalization in Congressional Campaigns," in Campaign Warriors: Campaign Consultants in Elections, James A. Thurber and Candice J. Nelson, (eds.), Washington, DC: Brookings Institution.

- 2000. (and David A. Dulio, James A. Thurber, and Candice J. Nelson) "Citizen' AttitudesToward Campaigns and Campaigners." Votes & Opinions: Newsletter of the APSA Organized Section on Elections, Public Opinion, and Voting Behavior. 3 (2): 18-19.

- 1999. "Forging 'Debatable Ground': The Transformation of Party Politics in Virginia," in Government and Politics in Virginia, Quentin Kidd (ed.). Needham Heights, MA: Simon & Schuster.

- 1998. Dissertation summary for "Have You Read...? / Notes on Recent Dissertations" section, Political Communication 15 (3): 418-419.

- 1998. "The Effectiveness of the Political Consultant as a Campaign Resource," PS: Political Science and Politics 31 (2): 150-154.

- 1997. (and Silvo Lenart). "The Influence of Political Consultants in the 1992 Congressional Elections." Legislative Studies Quarterly 22 (1): 61-77.

Technical Reports

- 2001. "Does Every Vote Count?: An Analysis of Voting Systems an Rejected Votes in the 2000 Virginia Presidential Election." Independent report distributed to the media and members of the General Assembly, April 4, 2001.

- 2000. "Factors Affecting Voting in Local/ School Board Elections." Report for The Virginian-Pilot based on February 2000 survey.

- 2000. "Election 2000 in Virginia." Survey and report for the Social Science Research Center, Old Dominion University and The Virginian-Pilot, February 3-10.

- 1999. "Current Issues and the 2000 Elections: A Survey of Virginia Residents." Survey and report for the Social Science Research Center, Old Dominion University, October 22-November 5.

- 1999. "Impeachment, State and Local Issues, and Politicians as Role Models: A Survey of Hampton Roads." Survey and report for the Social Science Research Center, Old Dominion University, January 20-30.

Works in Progress

"Explaining Support for Stealth Democracy."  Article under review.
Campaign Finance in the United States(Oxford University Press).  Under contract.

"Outside Voices:  Super PACs, Parties and Other Non-Candidate Actors" in volume on the presidential election of 2016, Dennis Johnson, ed.

Revisions to Campaigns and Elections:  Players and Processes (Routledge) for a 3rd edition.

Paper on state election administration performance (with Kirsty Richard `17).

"Third Party Politics in the United States" for Oxford Bibliographies in Political Science (Oxford University Press).  Under contract.