
People Search Directory

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Scott W Vine

Director of the College Library

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Michael Vitale

Adjunct Instructor

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Mike Vitlip

Director of Legal & STEM Professions Advising

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Jeremy Waak

Adjunct Instructor

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Victoria H Waddail

Director of Operations

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Dan Wagner

Head Men's Soccer Coach/Coordinator of Athletic Development

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Paul P Wagner

Assistant Men's & Women's Track & Field Coach

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Richelle L Wagner

Assistant Director of Operations, College Vivarium

Biological Foundations of Behavior

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Ann L Wagoner

Academic Department Coordinator

American Studies; Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies

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Matthew Walsh

Assistant Men's Basketball Coach

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Owen M Walsh

Assistant Football Coach

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Robert C Walter

The Dr. Earl D. Stage & Mary E. Stage Professor of Geosciences, Department Chair of Earth & Environment

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Anthony J Weaver

Research Computing Programmer & Systems Administrator and Senior Adjunct Instructor of Computer Science

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Christina M Weaver

Professor of Mathematics

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Lauren Weber

Assistant Director of Student Accessibility Services

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Jeffrey D Webster

Assistant Athletic Trainer

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Janey Weidman

ASFC Front Desk Monitor

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Gary S Wenger

Shuttle Driver

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Sheldon S Wenger

Assistant Director for Project Management

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Robin Wert-Eller

Coordinator of Athletic Equipment Operations, Purchasing, and Wellness Coordinator

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Mike Wetzel

Associate Vice President for Facilities Management and Campus Planning

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Torrey J Wetzelberg

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Dawn Wharram

Assistant Dean of International & Off-Campus Study

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Michael A Wharton

Groundskeeper Supervisor

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Wilson Whiting

Production Support

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Carla Willard

Associate Professor of American Studies

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Christopher J Williams

Professor of Environmental Science

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Elspeth M Wilson

Assistant Professor of Government

Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies

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Emily L Wilson

Research Lab Manager & Technician

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