
People Search Directory

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Scott H Brewer

Professor of Chemistry

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Timothy E Brixius

Digital & Social Media Strategist

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Justin D Brody

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

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Debra J Brooks

Assistant to the President

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Jason Brooks

Director of Research Computing Services

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Fred Brown

Senior Major Gift Officer & Director of Special Projects

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John F Brown

Visiting Assistant Professor

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Chyron Brown-Wallace

Assistant Football Coach

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Lydia Brubaker

Director of Legal Affairs in the General Counsel Department

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Jenn Buch

Research Services Specialist

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Kimberly D Buchar Nolet

Senior Adjunct Assistant Professor of Music, Bassoon

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Kate J Buchkoski

Director of Title IX and ADA Compliance

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Kasinde Buhobere


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Andrew Butler

Assistant Director of Athletic Communications

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Ryan Butler

Assistant Men's Soccer Coach

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Matthew W Butterfield

Professor of Music, Department Chair of Music

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Lorelei R Byer

Adviser for Off-Campus Study

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Beatriz Caamano Alegre

Associate Professor of Spanish

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Christine Cahill

Associate Director of Admission

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Carlos Cancel-Nunez

Custodial Specialist

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Alan S Caniglia

Vice President for Institutional Research and Chief Strategy Officer

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Danielle Carney

College Adviser

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Jen Carriere

Assistant Director of Regional Admission

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Vincent Carson

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Biology

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Shawn O Carty

Director of Conferences and Events

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Krista M Casler

Senior Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology

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Nina M Castillo

Admission Representative

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