
People Search Directory

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Michelle Mitchell

Senior Software Engineer

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Peyton Mitzel

College Adviser

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Ken-Ichi Miura

Director and Senior Teaching Professor of the Japanese Language Program

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John L Modern

Arthur & Katherine Shadek Professor of Religious Studies

Science, Technology and Society; Scientific and Philosophical Studies of Mind

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Nicholas Montemarano

Alumni Professor of Creative Writing and Belles Lettres, Professor of English

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Ashley Moog Bowlsbey

Adjunct Instructor

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Clara S Moore

Professor of Biology

Biological Foundations of Behavior; Public Health; Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies

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Marin Moore

Research Assistant

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Miles Moore

Athletics Operations, Facilities & Grounds Worker

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Jennifer L Morford

Charles A. Dana Professor of Chemistry

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LJ Morgan

Director of Student Housing

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Deb Moriarty

Director of the Office of the President and Secretary of the Board

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Kessa Morris

College Adviser

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Alicia M Morrissey

Associate Director of Web and Digital Content

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Jeremy S Moss

Associate Professor of Film, Film & Media Program Director, Department Chair of Art, Art History & Film

International Studies

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Oleksandr Mostbauer

Adjunct Instructor

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Tim Mowrer

Associate Executive Director

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Tammy L Moyer

Office Administrator

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Cordelia A Moyse

Visiting Scholar of American Studies

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Mathew Muenster

Network Analyst

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Angela M Munkittrick

HR Business Partner and Operations

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Rene Munoz

Director of the Office of Sponsored Research

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Zachary L Muster

Assistant Baseball Coach

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Amy A Myers

Managing Physician Student Wellness Center and Team Physician Franklin and Marshall Athletics

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Lauren Myers

Assistant Swim Coach

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Lynn W Myers

Executive Director of the Millport Conservancy

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Ryan Nadeau

Research & Student Success Librarian

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Autumn Nauman

Financial Aid Counselor

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