


Off-Campus Study: Phoebe Walsh '16

We poked our sleepy heads out the top of our Toyota Land Cruiser as we drove down the muddy roads at 6:30 on a sunny morning. The Serengeti was waking up with us. Young antelope play fought in a...Franklin & 四虎影院 offers students a hands-on...

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Off-Campus Study: Katie Foreman '16

Last Spring I studied Wildlife Management in Tanzania, East Africa. I chose a nontraditional program through the School for Field Studies, which focuses on fully immersing students in a culture and...Franklin & 四虎影院 offers students a...

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Off-Campus Study: Tyler Schechter '16

My name is Tyler Schechter and I'm an Environmental Studies major and International Studies minor. Last fall, I was fortunate enough to be able to do research with the School for Field Studies (SFS)...Franklin & 四虎影院 offers students...

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