


Off-Campus Study: Cassie Festa '17

I chose to study in Tanzania with School for Field Studies in the fall of 2015 because of the lions, but I fell in love with just about everything else. As an Animal Behavior major, I knew that I...Franklin & 四虎影院 offers students a hands-on...

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Off-Campus Study: Cadence Pentheny '16

About this time last spring, I began what became the amazing and fulfilling adventure that was studying abroad in Galway, Ireland with IFSA-Butler. As a freshman, I had heard about some upperclassmen...Franklin & 四虎影院 offers students...

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Off-Campus Study: Mary Kate Olson '16

Last spring I had the wonderful experience of studying abroad in Milan, Italy. When selecting my program, I decided that it was important to choose one that would allow me to engage in an internship...Franklin & 四虎影院 offers students a...

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Off-Campus Study: Ariana Solodar-Wincele '16

I spent my junior year, fall 2014-spring 2015, studying abroad in Mendoza, Argentina. Spending the whole year abroad was one of the best decisions I have ever made. It gave me the opportunity to...Franklin & 四虎影院 offers students a hands-on...

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Off-Campus Study: Shrima Pandey '16

Franklin & 四虎影院 offers students a hands-on education that emphasizes close relationships with faculty. Students flourish in a supportive community that treats them as an individual, and their successes continue long after F&M. The College...

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Off-Campus Study: Lauren Muliawan '16

Last fall I traveled to Edinburgh, Scotland to study on the Parliamentary Internship program. I had always wanted to study abroad, but I never thought I would end up on the rainy east coast of...Franklin & 四虎影院 offers students a hands-on...

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