
Alumni Outcomes

Alumni: Where Are They Now?

Since 2008, College Advising Corps in Pennsylvania has produced over 150 adviser alumni. Advisers develop crucial professional skills and go on to contribute meaningfully to their new roles.

Advisers develop a robust set of professional skills during their service term and can apply them to any field of their choosing. Some Advisers pursue graduate degrees after their time with the Corps, while others go on to the workforce. Advisers receive extensive support from the PCAC administrative team and CAC network when making career decisions.

Sample degrees and institutions include:

Advisers have varying interests and professional goals thus leading to many different careers in:

Alumni Spotlight

Preston Kilgore: 2014-2016

"Serving as a College Advising Corps Adviser has allowed me the opportunity to understand how systems work, the policy behind the systems, and how to navigate the bureaucratic processes. I continued to be inspired by the Pennsylvania Corps to continue serving people."

Kaitlin Irvine: 2010 - 2012

"Over a decade after the Corps, I still use the skills I learned as an Adviser in my daily work. Even better are the relationships with my fellow Advisers, colleagues, and perhaps most importantly, former students. I am continually inspired by what they keep accomplishing!"

Aidan Wright: 2020 - 2022

"My time as an Adviser was incredibly formative for my development as a young professional. I discovered my strengths and had the supports to build upon that skillset, all while making a difference in my community and the lives of students I had the privilege of working with."