
Tamara A Goeglein Professor of English


Ph.D. British Literature with Medieval Studies Certificate, Indiana University, 1989

M.A. British Literature, Indiana University, 1986

A.B. English, Earlham College, 1982 (with highest honors, PBK)

Academic and Administrative Positions

Academic Positions:

Professor of English, 1989-

English Department Chair, 2005-06, 1996-97

English Department Associate Chair, 2012-13, 2014-18

Secretary of the Faculty, 2004-06

Faculty Parliamentarian, 2019-2021


Administrative Positions:

Franklin & 四虎影院, Interim Director, The Phillips Museum of Art, 2014-18

Franklin & 四虎影院, Associate Dean of the Faculty, 2006-11


English Renaissance Literature and Intellectual History; Early Modern Emblematics and Visual Culture; Edmund Spenser, John Donne, William Shakespeare, John Milton.

Scholarly Monograph:

Edmund Spenser鈥檚 Emblematic Imagination (in progress)

Recent Academic Publications:

"Emblematic Arks in John Donne's 'A Hymne to Christ' and the Antwerp Polyglot Bible (1568-1573)," English Literary History (forthcoming).

"Emblematic Tabernacles in John Donne, John Milton, and the Antwerp Polyglot Bible," English Literary Renaissance, 52 (2022): 260-288.

Review of Reading by Design: The Visual Interfaces of the English Renaissance Book, by Pauline Reid, Reception 12 (2020): 93-96.

"The Emblematic Handkerchief in Othello, and Its Untold Backstory," Imago 8 (2016): 61-75.

"Death is in the 'I' of the Beholder: Early Modern Emblems of Death" in Emblems of Death in the Early Modern Period, eds. Monica Calabritto and Peter Daly (Geneva: Droz, 2014), 59-95.

Recent Paper Presentations:

"Remediation in Walter Crane's Illustrated Faerie Queene (1894-97)," Spenser at Kalamazoo, May 2022.

"John Donne's Emblematic Ark in "A Hymn to Christ," John Donne Society Meeting, February 2020.

Professional Activity

Reviewer for EmblematicaModern Philology, Renaissance QuarterlySpenser Studies

"The Bible and Histories of Reading," Rare Book School, University of Pennsylvania,  2016

John Donne Society, Executive Board, 2014-2017

Society for Emblem Studies, Representative to the Renaissance Society of America, 2012-2015

Course Information

Medieval and Early Modern English Literature; Shakespeare; History of the Book; Historical Fiction