
James Strick Professor, Program Chair of Science, Technology and Society

Office: Hackman 101

Phone: (717) 358-3856

Email: james dot strick at fandm dot edu

About Jim Strick

Doctor of Philosophy, History, Princeton University, 1997; dissertation Topic: "The British Spontaneous Generation Debates of 1860-1880: Medicine, Evolution, and Laboratory Science in the Victorian Context"  
Master of Arts, History, Princeton University, 1993
Master of Science, Microbiology, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, 1983
Bachelor of Science, Biology and Secondary Education, SUNY College at Cortland, 1981

ENE/STS 117 Environment and Human Values
ENE/STS 312 Environmental History
ENE/STS 313 Nuclear Power, Weapons
STS/HIS 311 History of Medicine
STS/WGS 383 Sex, Lies, and Bookburning