
James S Jolles Interim Assistant Director of the Writing Center, Adjunct Assistant Professor Earth & Environment

Office: Hackman 104

Email: jjolles at fandm dot edu

About James Jolles

Ph.D., University of Michigan, 2020
B.A., Franklin & 四虎影院, 2012

ENE 110: Dynamic Earth
ENE 114: Earth, Environment, and Humanity
ENE 172: Intro to Earth and Environmental Science

My research aims to understand the mechanisms that form large super-volcano volumes of magma in the crust and to constrain how quickly these large volumes of magma can be mobilized and subsequently erupted at the surface. I employ rock and mineral geochemistry to place constraints on variables such as magma formation depths and pre-eruptive magmatic temperatures. I am also interested in the intersection between geology and people, including natural resources and energy, archaeology and stone tools, and agriculture.