
Human Resources Policies

Home / College Policies / Human Resources Policies / Health Wellness Policies / Franklin & Marshall – Smoking on College Premises Policy

Smoking on College Premises Policy

In order to promote the health and safety, comfort, and well-being of all members of the College community, Franklin & Marshall prohibits smoking:

  • inside all buildings on campus, including academic and administrative buildings, the Alumni Sports and Fitness Center, and the Steinman College Center,

  • in all indoor public areas and restrooms,

  • in shared as well as private offices,

  • in College Houses / residence halls,

  • at all indoor and outdoor athletic events,

  • inside College vans, chartered buses, or other College vehicles used for mass transportation,

  • within 30 feet of the entrance or exit to any administrative or academic building on campus, and within 30 feet of windows and air intakes.

Lighted smoking materials and electronic cigarettes ("e-cigarettes") are not permitted in any indoor areas of the College, including offices, conference rooms, dining areas, libraries, theaters, break rooms, restrooms, warehouses, garages, and Houses / residence halls, as well as in College vans and other College vehicles.

Smokers are expected to dispose of smoking materials properly and safely in trash receptacles provided for this purpose.

This policy pertains to students, faculty and professional staff, contracted service personnel and vendors, and campus visitors.

Policy Maintained by: Human Resources, Associate Vice President
Last Reviewed: July 25, 2016