Finance and Administration Policies
Key Policy
Key Safety: Always Safeguard Keys
In order to keep F&M College a safe place to learn and work, it is essential that each member of our campus community safeguard their College keys.
Quick Key Safety Tips:
Never leave them unattended
Never place an identifying tag with them.
Never loan your keys to a friend or roommate. You are responsible for them if
another party loses them.
Lost Keys
All lost keys must be reported immediately to the Dept. of Public Safety at 717.358.3939.
Lost keys may result in recombination of locks related to your lost keys.
Recombination is a necessary task to ensure the safety of the College Community. You will be charged $120 for a lock recombination. Replacement cost is $10/key. Employees may face disciplinary action if negligence was involved in the loss of their keys.
Key Issuance
The Facilities and Operations Key Shop issues brass keys. All key requests must be submitted through an F&O work order request. You will be notified by email when your keys are ready for pickup at the Service Response Center [Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM]. The requestor must present a valid Franklin & ËÄ»¢Ó°Ôº ID card to obtain the requested keys. Keys will only be issued to the person requesting them. Facilities and Operations reserve the right to refuse issuing keys.
Lab/Office/Classroom Keys
Once you have been notified your keys are ready for pickup you have 5 business days to pick up your keys at the Service Response Center. If keys are not picked up with in the 5 days the department requesting the keys will be charged $25/key for restocking.
Campus Departure
Students must return all College keys to the Service Response Center [Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM], drop box at 415 Harrisburg Ave, or drop box at the Center for the Sustainable Environment before leaving Campus for the summer. All keys must be returned by May 15th or you will be charged a $120 recombination fee.
Faculty & Professional Staff
Upon termination of employment, all keys must be returned to the Service Response Center. If keys are not returned with in 5 business day the department will be charged any expenses for recombination of locks.
Privacy Statement
It is the policy of Franklin and ËÄ»¢Ó°Ôº not to intrude upon individuals' privacy. College electronic locks gather information regarding who/when access has been gained. Access to this data is restricted to two members of the Facilities and Operations Professional Staff and is only accessed by request of the Department of Public Safety for investigative purposes.
Policy Maintained by: Finance & Administration, Associate Vice President for Facilities
Management and Campus Planning
Last Reviewed: October 25, 2022