Lancaster Community Resources

Are you a Lancaster community member hoping to learn more about sustainability? We’re proud to offer resources to neighbors like you looking to live “green.”

Composting, Trash, and Recycling

The massive production of waste is a worldwide problem, but the U.S. in particular has above average waste productions:

  • Each person in the U.S. produces on average 4.3 pounds of waste per day
  • The United States makes up 5% of the world population, but produces 30-40% of the world’s waste
  • Paper and packaging materials are the No. 1 waste products produced by households; close behind is food and yard waste
  • Americans only recycle about 30% of materials considered trash, while about 75% of our waste is actually recyclable
  • The costs of trash are high. Recycling one ton: $30; one ton in a landfill: $50; incineration of one ton: $70


Do you ever stop to think about what you're eating? Eating healthy can be tough, but it’s incredibly worthwhile in the end. Here in Lancaster, there are so many opportunities to eat fresh and local.

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Green Apps

Want to find better ways to become green this fall? Well, we've compiled a list of the top ten green apps currently in the market to help! From finding help with your shopping list to figuring out where to recycle, this group of apps will send you on your way to living a more eco-friendly life!

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Native Pollinator Gardens

Pollinators are a broad group of animals responsible for the pollination of flowers by transporting pollen from one plant to another. This is a critical step in the life cycle of a plant and necessary for the development of many fruits and vegetables. We can help foster these native populations and bring them near agricultural fields by building native pollinator gardens. These gardens work by expanding the native habitat of native pollinators while supplying them with the food and resources they need. 

The Importance of Native Pollinators

As honey bee populations rapidly decline, it is critical that we turn to our native species of bees, birds, and butterflies to aid in pollinating crops and promoting agricultural productivity. Discover the importance of pollinators and native pollinator gardens, including how they aid in Lancaster’s agricultural productivity and economy. 

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How to Cultivate Your Native Pollinator Garden

Interested in helping pollinator populations by growing a native pollinator garden of your own? Explore our resources on cultivating a robust and healthy native garden to attract a wide variety of pollinators.

Start gardening

Sustainable Building Practices


There are many guidelines and methods for sustainable building that anyone can use. Here are some helpful tips:



An important step to sustainability is changing the way that we travel from place to place, whether it be to Central Market in downtown Lancaster or getting home during the breaks. 

While Lancaster is a walkable city with many restaurants and shops located less than a mile from campus, we also offer alternatives that can help limit the amount of harmful gas emissions. 

A Bicycle Friendly Campus

F&M was designated ‘Bicycle Friendly’ by the National Bicyclist Group. Our bike loan program provides free bicycles for students to use during the semester. Students are also more than welcome to bring their own bikes to campus. There are plenty of outdoor bike racks to store and lock bikes, two bike repair stations on campus with pumps, and two bike shops within a mile of campus, including Common Wheel, a nonprofit bike center led by an F&M alumna.

Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations

F&M installed Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations in the College Square, Winter Visual Arts Center (WVAC), and Williamson parking lots. The stations are rated at a level two setting, meaning that they charge at a faster rate than residential chargers. The stations are open for us to the F&M and greater Lancaster community, free of charge.

Shuttles and Buses

The Red Rose Transit Authority serves Lancaster and OurBus runs buses from Lancaster to New York City on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays.


The Importance of Trees

Did you know that trees can remove air pollutants such as carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrous oxides? They also can absorb sound, improve soil quality, and even increase your property value. Learn more about the environmental, health, and home benefits of trees.

Trees in the City of Lancaster

Next time you’re taking a stroll through the city, consult this guide so you won’t have to wonder what species of tree you’re admiring.

Plant With Care

Planning to plant a tree? This quick guide is an abridged version of the Plant Care Guide from the PennState Extension site.

Learn the Anatomy of a Tree

Curious to learn more about trees? Explore our tree glossary to learn more about tree shapes,  foliage, leaf shape, bark, and more. 

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Caroline Steinman Nunan Arboretum

The entire F&M campus has been formally recognized as the Caroline Steinman Nunan Arboretum. The arboretum is home to more than 1,000 trees from more than 120 different species.

Learn more about the arboretum


Urban and suburban environments account for a large portion of our country, and wildlife often integrate into and adapt to these environments. Many of these insects and animals carry out vital functions necessary for the maintained health of an ecosystem. To maintain environmental health, we must be aware of humanity’s role on a larger environmental scale and actively work to conserve and promote coexistence with urban wildlife. In order to accomplish this, we must collect and interpret data and create active management plans for numerous species. Student and faculty researchers at the Urban Wildlife Research Program aim to foster and promote these ideas. 


Certain kinds of bats come in contact with humans more then others. Typically house- or building-dwelling bats such as the little brown bat, are the ones that cause problems for humans. 

Learn more about bats



Coyotes can be found within rural, suburban, and urban areas. Coyotes are established throughout all of the United States, as well, and are only one of many species that are been threatened by human population and industrial growth.

Learn more about coyotes

Red Fox

Red foxes are similar in size to small dogs, with total length averaging from 39-43 inches. They can be easily recognized by their reddish coats, black markings on their ears and feet, and especially the white tip on their tail. The red fox is an omnivore, so its diet consists of everything from fruits and vegetables to small mammals.

Red foxes can survive in a wide variety of habitats, including farmland, forests, and suburban areas. They live in concealed dens dug into the soil and will often move to a new den if disturbed. They can be active during both daytime at nighttime, but they are commonly spotted at dusk and dawn.

Have you seen a red fox?

Red-Tailed Hawk

Hawks have quickly adapted to human habitats. They are commonly spotted perching on telephone poles, and they use the open spaces along the roadside to hunt small animals such as squirrels, rabbits, and mice.

Have you seen one in the wild?