
Bat Protection in Urban Areas

Bat Facts  

  • Many bats eat insects. Bats can eat up to 1,200 mosquitoes in an hour and often consume their body weight in insects every night, helping keep bug populations in check.
  • More than half of the bat species in the United States are in severe decline or listed as endangered.
  • Most bats have only one pup a year, making them extremely vulnerable to extinction.

How to Deal With Bats  

Certain kinds of bats come in contact with humans more than others. Typically house- or building-dwelling bats such as the little brown bat, are the ones that cause problems for humans. The little brown bat usually gives birth in early May to one offspring, who wont be able to fly untill July. Once the baby becomes too heavy for the mother to fly around with, attics often become the  bats new nursery. Attics tend to maintain the desired temperature to raise young, thus making this a desired location in urban areas for mothers to raise their young. This can be dangerous because the residents will not notice the bats for a multitude of years, untill the build up of fecies and urine becomes so high that the home owners will panic and take improper action, hurting the bats. Bats can be prevented from flying into homes on accident and using them as a nursery, by simply closing all small spaces 1/2 inch or larger near the top of homes. This will make a huge difference and will prevent the harm done to bats by humans.

How to Deal With Bats in the House

  • If a bat is found flying confused around the house, stand near the wall of the room. This will help prevent the look that the bat is "attacking you" becuase the bats flight slows down in the middle of circular flight around a room.
  • Do not touch the bat with your hands! Simply close off all exits, besides one clear one. 
  • If you suspect that a bad is in hosued in your attic, a "bat watch" just at dusk can reveal  entrances.  Watch closely from before sunset until at least thirty minutes after sunset.
  • Never try and excavate a bat population when the colony is at its hight from May- August. This could disturb the whole population. 
  • Once it is past these months a special excavation tactic can be used called a one-way bat check-valve. This only lets the bats out of the house, but not back in.