
Reinstatement from Leaves of Absence

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Any student intending on returning from a Leave of Absence must submit their before the established deadline. This form must include clear evidence that the student has addressed the terms of the student’s leave contained in the letter confirming the student’s leave (which is typically from the students College House Dean or the Committee on Academic Status).

All criteria for reinstatement, including the submission of all appropriate documentation, must be submitted before the deadline. In extenuating circumstances, some documentation may not be available before the deadline for reasons beyond the student’s control. These students may be approved to return conditionally. This conditional status will be communicated in the approval notification, along with the date by which the materials must be received. Should the student fail to submit the appropriate documentation before the extended deadline, the Leave of Absence will be continued.

Students on leave are eligible to apply for reinstatement as of the date indicated at the time of their departure. The College may establish specific requirements for reinstatement if the circumstances of the students’ departure warrant it. The goal of such conditions is to prepare the student for a successful return to the College. For example, a student may be asked to complete pre-approved coursework at an outside institution in order to demonstrate readiness to return to rigorous academic work or to participate in a reinstatement consultation with the College’s Student Wellness Center staff to facilitate a successful return.

Once the Reinstatement Committee has reached a decision, the student will be notified by the College. 

Students on leave for disciplinary or academic reasons when departing the College will resume their probationary status upon their return for the duration of the assigned probation period.

Confirmation of Return Deadline and Returning to Campus

All students on leave from the College for any reason — personal, health, or suspension — must confirm their plans to return with the College by the appropriate deadline. This includes completing their Intent to Return documentation, registering for classes, completing financial aid obligations, and contacting the housing office.  If this deadline is not met, an extension of the leave will automatically be processed. The student may apply to return before the next deadline.  

Students returning from leave for health reasons must also submit all required documentation to the Student Wellness Center and arrange for a return from leave interview with either the Managing Physician or the Head of Counseling Services before the required deadline. 

Students who complete the reinstatement process but fail to return to campus at the expected time will receive an email from the College extending their previous Leave of Absence. The student may apply to return before the next deadline. In these circumstances, students are removed from housing and course rosters.


  • June 1 (Fall) 
  • January 1 (Spring)


  • May 1 (Fall Reinstatement)
  • December 1 (Spring)

International students who require a visa may apply by November 1 for a provisional approval pending any requirements set at the time of departure. 

Readiness to Return

F&M wants to ensure that students successfully return to the College after taking a Leave of Absence. Accordingly, students who wish to return must demonstrate they are able to resume their academic program and live within the College’s residence spaces. Students returning from a health leave must be well enough to carry out substantial self-care obligations and participate meaningfully in their educational activities. 

All students returning from a leave must write a personal statement documenting why they wish to return. The personal statement should describe what the student did while on leave; what the student perceives were the reasons for the leave; and what changes, if any, the student plans to implement that will allow the student to safely and effectively meet the requirements of their program. An essential element of this personal statement is to share what demonstrable steps they have taken to implement these changes. Any specific expectations articulated by the College at the time that the student’s leave was enacted must also be addressed.

Students returning from leave will need to work with several campus support areas, including the College’s Care Coordinator, Student Wellness Center, Housing, Financial Aid, Student Accessibility Services, and the Registrar, amongothers. To help coordinate among these units, returning students are encouraged to contact the College’s Care Coordinator for assistance.

Reinstatement Following a Health Leave

F&M wants to ensure that students successfully return to the College after taking a Leave of Absence. Accordingly, students who wish to return must demonstrate they are able to resume their academic program and live within the College’s residence spaces. Students returning from a health leave must be well enough to carry out substantial self-care obligations and participate meaningfully in their educational activities. 

All students returning from a leave must write a personal statement documenting why they wish to return. The personal statement should describe what the student did while on leave; what the student perceives were the reasons for the leave; and what changes, if any, the student plans to implement that will allow the student to safely and effectively meet the requirements of their program. An essential element of this personal statement is to share what demonstrable steps they have taken to implement these changes. Any specific expectations articulated by the College at the time that the student’s leave was enacted must also be addressed.

Students returning from leave will need to work with several campus support areas, including the College’s Care Coordinator, Student Wellness Center, Housing, Financial Aid, Student Accessibility Services, and the Registrar, among others. To help coordinate among these units, returning students are encouraged to contact the College’s Care Coordinator for assistance.

Readiness to Return - Academic Suspension

Students on academic suspension must enroll in at least one course at another institution during the period of suspension. Successful completion of at least one course to prove demonstrated readiness is required to return to F&M. Successful completion is achieved with a C or higher on the official transcript or certificate of completion from the course taken. 

Transcripts must be submitted at the time of reinstatement.

Appealing Denial of Reinstatement

In the event that a student’s request for reinstatement is denied, the student may appeal the decision in writing to the Vice President of Student Affairs. If the denial is based on academic grounds, the student may appeal the decision in writing to the Provost. A student has five (5) business days to appeal. The decision of the appeal is final.