
Commencement 2020 Citations & Remarks

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Williamson Medalist Address: Anastasiia Grigoreva '20

Thank you, Dean Hazlett. Greetings to President Altmann and our distinguished guests, and hello, fellow graduates of the Class of 2020! In celebrating the accomplishments of our class, especially months after graduation, it seemed appropriate to...

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Commencement Address: Pedro Rivera

Congratulations Franklin & Marshall graduates, Class of 2020. We have been planning for this opportunity to celebrate your Commencement for almost a year. Nearly every morning, I would walk through your campus with my daughter on our way to the coffee...

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Commencement 2020 Address: President Barbara K. Altmann

At last, a chance to address you as a group! I am truly sorry that this is not the Commencement you dreamt of before we were swept up in a pandemic, or that we dreamt of for you. Please be sure that you will have opportunities to gather on our campus...

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Socrates Citation: Richard S. and Ann B. Barshinger Professor of Music John J. Carbon

In 1983, there were two music faculty members, and before them lay a challenge: find the missing piece. Bruce Gustafson and Courtney Adams, both musicologists, had a mandate to create a music department within a liberal arts context. They believed...

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Socrates Citation: Professor of English Patricia O'Hara

English Professor of Victorian Literature, Irish Literature, Baseball Literature, and Creative Writing. Poet, Playwright, Non-Fiction Writer, Essayist, & Editor. Ware College House Don, Posse Mentor, & Lindback Award-Winning Teacher.

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Socrates Citation: Professor of Economics Sean Flaherty

It is hard to imagine the F&M Economics Department without Sean Flaherty's legendary course on Microeconomics (known among Econ students as simply the toughest course ever!), or the squeaking of the overhead projector as he pushes it slowly through...

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