
Commencement 2019 Citations & Remarks

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Williamson Medalist Address: Yousra Chaabane '19

Class of 2019, congratulations! If you look around, most of you should see the same faces that you saw when we started this journey together. Three years and eight months ago, we were seated in this exact formation for convocation. Thanks to our...

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Commencement Address: President Barbara K. Altmann

Graduates of the Class of 2019, faculty, staff, family, friends, alums, trustees — please join me in thanking all of the many people who created these Commencement events and contributed to today's setup on Hartman Green — we are so fortunate...

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Williamson Medal Citation: Yousra Chaabane '19

This year, the Williamson Medal is awarded to Yousra Chaabane. Yousra's academic research has focused on state stability and social capital in the Middle East. She recently defended her honors thesis, F&M's first conducted in International Studies.

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Commencement Address: Rahel Nardos, M.D., '97

President Barbara Altmann and the entire F&M community, thank you for this incredible honor. It is wonderful to be back at my first home in America. If you had asked me when I was a little girl growing up in Ethiopia whether I would be standing here...

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Socrates Citation: Associate Professor Karen J. Campbell

Karen J. Campbell's teaching repertoire and scholarly interests spanned centuries of German and Northern European literature and culture. In addition to beginning and intermediate German language courses, Professor Campbell taught medieval and modern...

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Lindback Foundation Award Citation: Professor Alison Kibler

Professor Alison Kibler is a marvelous teacher, mentor, and role model. Her approach to teaching reflects the cutting edge of our profession, and the energy and abundant curiosity she brings to the learning experience is manifest in our students'...

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